AC IMG 07 h400

Poetic and analytical approaches to the representation of the world through fragmented and kneaded images.
"Figuring the world through fragmented narration »

Approaches in the plural signifies the protean aspect of the research around two main, but not exclusive, themes: the Portrait (which may include the human body) and a broader vision of Still Life.

The intention is either poetic (as a medium for sensitive projection that allows us to go beyond the content) or critical (as a testimony to the present day).
The term Figuration evokes the work's dominant graphic and narrative style.

The narrative is based on the essential role of the image as a medium for the spoken (or written) word.

The fragment is based on the way in which the creative process of the image is broken down, but also on a characteristic of the choice of most of the subjects.

The kneading evokes a manipulative approach to images that have been taken or recuperated, since these tend, in their mise en abyme of the real and their abundance, to replace the tangible. The process under consideration will go so far as to triturate and knead the fragment in order to experiment with the effect of imaginary mush.